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Integrate gNext with Skydio

Integration Details

With Skydio’s API integration to gNext, scans and other media can seamlessly be moved from Skydio to gNext. Once the Skydio drone lands and connects to WiFi, flight media automatically moves to Skydio Cloud using Media Sync. Through cloud to cloud API integration, that media is then accessible in gNext Labs, where it can be processed and visualized using the gNext Platform.

Integration Benefits

  • Automatically detect and quantify defects with AI-powered InspectAssist™️
  • Perform asset inspections 5x faster with asset monitoring in PlanView, Elevation, 2D/3D,Contour, Point Cloud, and DTM models
  • Process your data automatically with your choice of 40+ pre-defined asset types
  • No photogrammetry skills, manual tie points or ground points are needed
  • Improve job safety with digital inspections
  • Require fewer employees onsite for inspections
  • Find 20-30% more defects than traditional inspection methods
  • Reduce inspection time and costs by60% or more
  • Work collaboratively in the cloud with anyone, anywhere

Bring the power of integration to your workflows with Skydio Extend

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