Skydio Developer Tools

Skydio’s open platform allows you to automate workflows and integrate 3rd-party systems. Build to your specific needs using our APIs and ICDs.

Cloud API

For: X10, X10D, X2, S2+
with Remote Ops, DFR Command,
Fleet Manager, and Media Sync

Access here

Build integrated workflows with the ability to:

  • Plan missions and initiate flight from third-party applications.

  • Automate live streaming of drone video and telemetry to third-party applications.

  • Automate the transfer of captured data into third-party applications.

  • Share fleet and flight details with third-party applications.

Control & Telemetry ICD

For: X10D

Access here

Pair X10D with third-party controllers and communicate via the MAVLink//RAS-A protocol to:

  • Command and control X10D in real time.

  • Share sensor data, video, and telemetry.

Android API

For: X10D

Access here

Enables third-party Android applications to receive information while running on the X10D Controller.

Attachment ICD

For: X10D

Request Access

Enables developers to create custom attachments for the X10D that interface directly with the vehicle.

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